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Gullak Madsen, ejer af Hirtshals, modtager nu den nye bygning HG264 RUTH

HG264 Ruth

  • Dato: 29/10/2021
  • kl. 16:12
  • Kilde: FiskerForum, Karstensens Skibsværft
  • Kategori: Nybygning, Nybygning levering
  • Tags: Karstensens Skibsværft, Skagen
  • Land: Danmark

Nybygning 453 “RUTH” blev overdraget til ejer Gullak Madsen fra Hirtshals, Danmark den 17. september 2021 fra Karstensen Skibsværft.

HG264 RuthSkroget til “RUTH” blev bygget af Karstensen Shipyard Poland i Gdynia og ankom til Skagen i februar 2021.

Ny RUTH erstatter Gullak Madsens tidligere skib af samme navn, som nu drives af nye ejere Halstensen i Norge som “Slaatterøy”.

Fartøjets design, specifikation og arrangementer er et resultat af et omfattende og tæt samarbejde mellem ejere og værft, hvor alle løsninger er optimeret og skræddersyet til at passe til Gullak Madsen og hans besætnings specifikke krav.

Hovedfokus er blevet sat på optimering af arbejdet, sikkerheden og komforten for besætningen, optimering af fangsthåndterings- og opbevaringsfaciliteter og optimering af brændstofforbrug. For at nå over mål er fartøjet udstyret med alt det nyeste maskineri og udstyr.


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Design: Karstensens Skibsværft A/S
Trial speeds / average;
17,5 knots, diesel-mechanical.
Hull: – built by Karstensen Shipyard Poland, Gdynia, Poland.
Class: DNV +1A Fishing Vessel E0 TMON, hull: Ice-C.

Electriske wincher: low pressure:
2 x Trawl wincher 97,0 t
1 x Tail-end winch 90,0 t
1 x Topline winch 90,0 t
3 x Nettromler 140,0 t
2 x Snurpe wincher 40,0 t
1 x Ørekalvwinch 20,7 t
2 x Brystwinch 15,1 t
2 x Fortøjnings wincher 12,0 t
1 x Ankerspil
2 x Netsonde winch

Fiskepumper: – leveret af  MacGregor Rapp, electric:
3 x Slange opruller.
3 x Fisepumper.
3x MacGregor Rapp, electrisk fiske pumper, 20”.

Not håndtering: – leveret af  by MacGregor Triplex:
1 x Nethaler, Triplex 1020, electric 32,0 t
1 x Netkran, KNR-120, 7,0 tonnes x 13,8 m.
1 x Netkran, KNR-75
1 x Intermediate roller crane, NK-6000
1 x Flådlægger, Triplex
1 x Grundlægger, teleskopisk.

Dækskraner: – leveret af  MacGregor Triplex, hydraulic:
1 x Fordæks kran, KN-75, 4 tons x 18,0 m.
1 x Fiskepumpe kran, KN-60, 3,5 tons x 13,0 m.

HP hydraulics: Komplet anlæg til krandrift:
2 x 128 kW pumpe enheder.

Trawl blokke Brdr. Markussen, Blue Line
Anker og kæder AC-14, leveret af Max Fodgaard.

Hovedmotor: MAN 9L32/44 CR, 4800 kW @ 750 rpm.
Propelleranlæg: MAN VBS1100, d4500 mm.
Reduktionsgear: Scana Volda ACG980/PF680.
Akselgenerator: AEM SP 630 L6, 2700 kW / 3375 kVA.
SCR system: MAN Energy Solutions
3 x Cummins model QSK38-DM1 ydende 1044kWm@1800rpm med
CGT Stamford generator model PM734C1 ydende 1246kVA/997kWe/60Hz/440Volt
1 x Cummins model QSK19-DM ydende 563kWm@1800rpm med
CGT Stamford generator model HCM634G1 ydende 672kVA/538kWe/60Hz/440Volt
Alle dele med fuld DNV-GL klasse certificering.
Leveret af Granly Diesel

ROR Kongsberg high lift flap ror.
Styremaskine:  Kongsberg Tenfjord SR 723 – 412 kNm.
Bovpropeller: 2 x Brunvoll, 950 kW / 1292 HK.
Azimuth thruster: 1 x Brunvoll AR80 LTC2100, 1500 kW / 2040 HK.

Startluft kompr.: 2 x Atlas Copco LT15-30 KE.
Arbejdsluftkompr. 2 x Atlas Copco MAS GF11FF
Brændolie filter: Green Oil Standard filter.
Smøreolie filter : Green Oil Standard filter.
FO transfer pumps: 2 x Bombas Azcue.
Remote sounding: MCS.
Pumper: Hovedmaskine køler: Bombas Azcue.
Spule-, brand- og lænse  pumper: Bombas Azcue.
Hydraulik køler –  og last kølepumper: Bombas Azcue.
Box køler: GEA Bloksma (alle motorer og hovedelemenet er FV kølet).
Bilge ejectors: Ellehammer.
FW pressure sets: 2 x Bombas Azcue.
Hot water tank: OSO, 200 l/ 2x15kW.
Spildevandspumper: 2 x Bombas Azcue.
Spildevands vacuum syst: Jets.

RSW-system: 2 x Johnson Controls (York/Sabroe), hver 1500 kW / 1.290.000 kCal/h.
1 x Johnson Controls maintenance Sabroe stempel kompressor SMC106 til sikre kvailitet på fangst reduktion generator effekt og brændstof besparelse.
Circulations pumper 4 x 525 cum/h
Kondensatorpumper 2 x 310 cum/h
Johnson Controls RSW & Transfer tank ventil kontrol system for fjern betjening for komplet kontrol og monitoring ved hjælp bruger venlige quick menues.
Aktuatorer til ventiler: Eltorque.

Vacuum-system: Iras:
3 x 87 kW kompressor enhed.
3 x 3000 l tank.

MOB-båd: Viking Norsafe Mako-655 waterjet.
MOB-boat david: Viking MDM DAF-375E.
Redningsflåder: 2 x Viking, 20 pers.
Brandmeldeanlæg: Survitec.
Branddetektorer: Scana Servoteknikk.

Styrhus : Karstensens Skibsværft.
Styrhus konsoller: Karstensens Skibsværft
Beboelse: Maritime Montering, Norge.
Møbler: Maritime Montering / Ekornes, Norge.
Styrhus stole: Nor-Sap 1600.
Ventilations anlæg: LF Ventilation.
Vinduer: Promap.
Vinduesviskere: Wynn.
Messe udrustning: Beha, Norge.
Overfladebehandling: PPG Sigma – fartøjet er sandblæst og hot-zinc sprymalet.

LED navigationlys : Lopolight

Søgelys: 1 x Searchmaster (electrisk GPS styret)
– Integreret pitch/roll sensor – projektøren strålestabiliserer og følger skibets bevægelse.
– Automatisk lysstrålefokus – projektøren autojusterer bredden på lysstrålen
– Integreret data fra AIS, radar, GPS og kompas.

2 x Polarlight (electrisk fjernbetjent).
Tank niveau alarmer: Mobrey alarms.
Komplet installation: KS Elektro.
Power management: Deif Delomatic 4 PMS system.
Tavler leveret af ScanTechnic:
440V Hovedtavle for 4 generatorer og 1 landtilslutning.
440V/230V Havne/nødtavle.
230V Hovedtavle.

Fartøjet er udstyret med frekvenskonverter med flydende frekvenser mellem  50 og 60 Hz.
Alarm panel: Marine Control Services (MCS).

Omfattende elektronikpakke med (navigation, fiskesøgning og kommunikation),
leveret af  Furuno, Scanmar og Simrad udstyr er leveret af  Sea Mech.
Display system: Furuno Smart Bridge
Hoved monitorer; 5 pcs 55” Olorin.
26 pcs 27” Hatteland.

LF sonar 1: Furuno FSV-25S, 18,20 eller 22 kHz.
LF sonar 2: Simrad ST94, 14-24 kHz.
MF sonar: Simrad CS94 Broadband 70-90 kHz.
Ekkolod 1+2: 2 x Simrad ES80 38,120,200 kHz alle med splitbeam
Ekkolod 3: Furuno FCV-38.
Ekkolod 4+5: 2 x Furuno FSS-3BB
Not sonar / bov scanner:
Simrad SN93 fremadkiggende fast monteret sonar i bow med 5 inspektions stråler
3D sonar: WASSP 80 kHz
Strømlog: Furuno CI68.
Net sonde: Scanmar.
Trawl sonar: Simrad FS-70. Dobbelt Simrad FS70 system

Radar 1 (3 cm): Furuno FAR 2218-X.
Radar 2 (10 cm): Furuno FAR 2238-S.
Radar 3: Furuno DRS6A-NXT
Ecdis: Tecdis T-2182.
Plotter 1: Olex, 3D.
Plotter 2+3: Sodena.
Plotter 4: MaxSea Time Zero.
GPS: Furuno GP-170
AIS 1: Furuno FA-170
AIS 2: JRC JHS-183
Gyro kompas: 2 x Simrad RGC-80.
GPS kompas: Furuno SC-130.
Furuno SC-70.
Autopilot: Simrad AP70-system.
VDR: Furuno VR-7000 VDR

V-sat kommunikation: 2 x Sailor 900
Sat-TV system: Sailor
GMDSS: Sailor udstyr til A4 navigation.
VHFs: Sailor.

Autotrawl system: Scantrol.
ME remote control: MAN ATS3000.
Intercom: Vingtor Stentofon,

Teknisk beskrivelse (engelsk)

The hull is built in steel with two continuous decks; main deck and shelter deck, and with long forecastle- and boat decks. Wheelhouse, boat decks, funnel and masts are built in aluminium.

Hull shape of round bilge construction with bulbous bow and stern skeg, vertical wave-piercer stem and transom stern.

Below main deck the hull is subdivided into the following watertight compartments: Forepeak, bow thruster-/sonar room, insulated RSW-tank section with 16 tanks and central RSW pump- and manifold room, engine room with main engine connected to reduction gearbox with one, ducted propeller and aftpeak with fuel- and lub oil tanks.

On main deck the hull is arranged with: Forepeak, store (1) room, RSW-hold/trunk section with central corridors, forward containing vacuum tank room and midship RSW-machinery room. Abaft hold section SB accommodation area, PS/CL engine store/workshop, control room and switchboard room. Abaft this, side-to-side trawl stores (2) and all aft hydraulic room with steering gear and SB engine store. Accommodation with laundry, trim room with wellness and stairs and corridors.
In order to create best possible design for low noise, the accommodation is located as far away from the propeller as possible. In addition a number of constructive steps were made, in order to create a low noise level. During trails noise measurements showed levels well below any requirements and recommendations.

On shelter deck arrangement is: Upper forepeak, generator room, workshop/welding cabin and central vacuum compressor room, all SB with stores room (2) PS. Abaft forecastle fish receiving deck, with centre deck house with water separator and hatches for the 16 RSW-tanks. Water separator is built in aluminium with SS loading pipe to each tank.

Abaft midship, full width superstructure. Accommodation in superstructure with: oil skins room, changing room, coffee bar and stairways and corridors. PS of superstructure contains small workshop and entrance to stairs down.

Abaft superstructure trawl deck with 2 net drums side-by-side and a third netdrum PS in waterfall design, all off-set to PS and purse net bin SB, recessed into shelter deck. At transom 2 hydraulic stern gates and hydraulic operated guiding pins.

On boat deck 01, forepeak stores (3) and forecastle stores (4). Abaft of this, roll reduction tanks and pursing deck with 2 purse winches CL/PS. SB forward purse gallow is mounted.

On SB purse fish pump, fish hose- and el-cable reels are mounted. Aft purse gallow and nethauler are mounted midship SB. Also on boat deck 01 level main foredeck crane and SB fish pump crane.

On boat deck 01 abaft midship, deck house in centre. Accommodation in deck house: 5 1-man, 2 2 man cabins, all with en-suite toilet/shower facilities, hospital instrument room and stairways and corridors.

Abaft deck house (on boat deck 01), 2 off trawl winches, all aft fish pump deck, with fish pump and cable reel SB and PS.

Integrated in aft ship construction and boat deck 01 is also trawl gallow, which accommodates 2 main towing blocks as well as tail-end block. 2 off net sounder winches are fitted on top of gallow.

On forecastle deck, 2 anchor winches, with mooring drums in dedicated house are fitted, together with mooring equipment.

On boat deck 02, deck house with ventilation room and accommodation are mounted. Accommodation in deck house: Mess room, day room/TV-lounge, galley with provision room (and separate fridge-/freezer rooms) and stairways and corridors. PS fan room for ventilation for engine rooms and hydraulic pump room, as well as exhaust trunks. On PS of deckhouse MOB deck and –davit.

On boat deck 03, deck house with accommodation are mounted

Accommodation to contain: 6 1-man cabins, all with en-suite toilet/shower facilities, instrument room and stairways and corridors.
Wheelhouse on top of deck house, with 360° view. Funnel with deck PS.

Design principles for main engine / auxiliary arrangement are as follows:
Vessel is fitted with a 5400 kW main engine, connected to one reduction gearbox, driving one propeller. Shaft alternator of 2700 kW is fitted to gearbox PTO.

To supply additional electric power, the vessel is fitted with 3 auxiliary engines / gen-sets, each producing 1002 kWe as well as a harbour gen-set of 538 kW.

During heaving/shooting operations at fishing, when the winch system is in use, the shaft alternators will be engaged, and electric power will be supplied from here. When there is demand for full power on the winch(es), there will normally not be same demand for power on the propulsion system. Following the main engine will be power source for both propulsion and hydraulic system.

All electrical power systems are controlled by the vessels DEIF Power-Management-System. Further on bus-bar breaker is fitted in main switchboard, allowing aft thrusters to be fed off shaft alternator and forward thruster and vessels hotel load off the diesel generator set.

Electrical power system is fitted for sliding frequency (60-50 Hz), by means of frequency converters for 400/440 V and UPS clean power static supply/converter for 230 V. This will allow main engine and propeller rpm to be reduced with 17%.


Article information

Author: Kevin Glover

Last Updated: 1698686763

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Author information

Name: Kevin Glover

Birthday: 1971-07-28

Address: 7937 Kari Meadow Suite 299, Lake Ashleyfurt, IL 94711

Phone: +4090182224421319

Job: Psychologist

Hobby: Gardening, Meditation, Juggling, Aquarium Keeping, Bird Watching, Video Editing, Beer Brewing

Introduction: My name is Kevin Glover, I am a candid, expert, radiant, important, variegated, accomplished, bold person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.