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Why Bianca Belair Was Currently Left Out of WWE Storylines, with a Possible Belair Heel Turn Seen?

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    Bianca Belair was recently written off WWE TV.

    Belair has not wrestled since she and Charlotte Flair defeated Bayley and WWE Women’s Champion IYO SKY on that August 18 SmackDown in Toronto. The post-match angle saw Damage CTRL attack Belair and focus on her knee to play off the injury she was selling from SummerSlam. The August 18 SmackDown angle came almost two weeks after Belair won the WWE Women’s Title by defeating Flair and then-champion Asuka in the SummerSlam Triple Threat, only to lose it seconds later to SKY cashing in her Money In the Bank briefcase.

    In an update, a new report from Fightful Select notes that Belair’s knee injury was not just a part of the storyline. The angle on the August 18 SmackDown was done to write Belair out of the storylines for the time being.

    It was noted that Belair was scheduled to take some time off, and this was factored into creative plans. However, there’s been different talk going around on how long Belair might be on the shelf, ranging from a few weeks or under a month to possibly three months.

    There had been rumors on WWE possibly turning Belair heel, perhaps to go with a rumored heel turn for The Street Profits. Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins recently underwent a slight character change as they were aligned with Bobby Lashley, but it remains to be seen if Belair will be linked with the group when she returns. It was once indicated by insider Better Wrestling Experience that Belair likely would not make a full heel turn as she was seen as a modern female version of John Cena in that regard.

    Belair received constant praise from within WWE during her recent lengthy title reign, especially for the insane media schedule and WWE Community events she was booked for.

    Stay tuned to WrestlingHeadlines.com for more.

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