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Three Cryptocurrencies Under $1 Could Increase 100x This Year: Tradecurve, Cardano, and Shiba Inu


In the vast world of digital currencies, Shiba Inu (SHIB), Tradecurve (TCRV), and Cardano (ADA) stand out as promising cryptocurrencies priced under $1. Each holds the potential to deliver 100x returns this year. Notably, Tradecurve (TCRV) is currently in its presale phase, further amplifying its potential for substantial growth. This article will quickly and succinctly delve into why these three cryptocurrencies could be the next big hits in the market.

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Tradecurve (TCRV)

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Tradecurve is shaking up the world of finance by creating a one-stop platform for trading a broad spectrum of assets like cryptocurrencies, company stocks, commodities, and foreign currencies.

The real difference is that Tradecurve removes the need to complete lengthy and invasive Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures. This means that anyone can kick-start their trading journey from anywhere in the world, just by connecting their DeFi wallet and putting up some crypto as collateral.

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But there’s more — Tradecurve brings a wide range of advanced tools to the table, enabling users to mimic the strategies of successful traders, automate their trading through AI, earn passive income via crypto staking, and trade with high leverage up to 500:1.

There’s a significant buzz around Tradecurve’s ongoing presale, which has already sold over 30 million tokens. The initial presale price was a mere $0.01, and it’s already climbed to $0.012 after the first phase ended in less than a week!

With such an impressive start to disrupting a trillion-dollar industry, analysts are predicting impressive gains of over 5,000% for Tradecurve during its presale, and possibly 10,000% once it hits a major exchange later this year.

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Shiba Inu (SHIB)

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Shiba Inu (SHIB) has created quite a stir since its introduction in April 2021. With its roots in internet meme culture, Shiba Inu (SHIB) experienced a rapid ascent, boasting an over 10,000% price increase in just half a year.

Despite this skyrocketing growth, Shiba Inu (SHIB) now trades at $0.0000885 88% below its all-time high. This decline can be attributed to Shiba Inu (SHIB) not having any inherent product or utility, beyond being a meme token, thus making it a highly speculative and volatile asset.

However, it’s not all gloomy for Shiba Inu (SHIB) investors. The Shiba Inu (SHIB) project team is in the process of developing the Shibarium Layer-2 scaling solution, which will increase the Shiba Inu (SHIB)’s utility and allow it to expand beyond its meme status.

Austin Hilton

Cardano (ADA)

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Cardano (ADA) represents the third wave of blockchain technology, innovating with a research-based methodology to address the shortcomings of its blockchain predecessors, including Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). Charles Hoskinson, a former co-founder of Ethereum, spearheaded the launch of Cardano (ADA) in September 2017.

Cardano (ADA) was a star player during the crypto bull market of 2020/21, escalating from a mere $0.018 to an impressive high of $3.06 in April 2021. This represented a massive profit of over 16,000% for those Cardano (ADA) investors who optimistically invested at the lowest price.

While the layer-1 blockchain space has become increasingly competitive, Cardano (ADA) is still a prominent figure due to the scientific approach that is free from cheap marketing tactics. Cardano (ADA) analysts note that the price of Cardano (ADA) is moving upwards with a diagonal trendline acting as support.

This trendline is moving ever closer to the $0.42 resistance level. A move above this level could represent a start of a new bull run for Cardano (ADA), with prices breaching the $30 mark.

Learn more about the Tradecurve presale at the links below:

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Author: Destiny Hall

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Name: Destiny Hall

Birthday: 1949-05-13

Address: 1876 Jaclyn Valley Apt. 193, Jamesville, SD 90322

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Job: Electrician

Hobby: Bird Watching, Chess, Embroidery, Yoga, Arduino, Astronomy, Skiing

Introduction: My name is Destiny Hall, I am a clever, welcoming, apt, Adventurous, expert, unwavering, resolved person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.